Avon Way, Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 7GB

01235 519235

Ladygrove Park Primary School

Growing Excellence, Inspiring Success

Parents at Ladygrove School ‘PALS’ PTA

 “Dedicated to enriching and supporting the lives of children by providing resources, communication and encouraging involvement in the school and community”

PALS are a friendly group of parents and teachers that organise fundraising events and activities for the school. We are always looking for new people to join our team, whether you can help at an event, help organise them, or provide the inspiration for new event ideas, we would love to have you on-board! Check out our PALS leaflet below or come along to our next meeting to see what it’s all about!

If you would like to find out more about our PALS, how we fund-raise, or if you have any ideas of your own, then you can contact us on email: ladygrovepals@gmail.com

 Click the following links for:

PALS Minutes and Agendas

PALS Previous Events

More Ways to Help 

PALS Leaflet

Guidance for voluntary helpers


Chair: Afshon Farooq
Treasurer: Neha Bajaj
Secretary: Sarah Field
Trustee's: Allie Burbage and Tracey Webb

Here at Ladygrove Park School we are lucky to have some great resources, but the school does not receive a lot of additional resources from the government. Therefore, it is vital that we have a PTA to support the school’s endeavours and to raise money for additional things that we would like our children to have access to.

PALS is a charity and exists for two reasons:
1. To raise money to provide additional resources to the children and users of the school and support the teachers and governors in giving our children the
best possible experiences here at Ladygrove Park School.
2. To run events that give great experiences to the children, family, parents and friends of the school.

When a child starts at this school their parents automatically become part of PALS. We are keen for as many parents as possible to get involved, as little or as much as you can, and frankly speaking without the unending support we receive from parents we could not achieve much at all.

PALS meetings are held once every term normally in the evening. An agenda is set to talk about events for the year, share ideas for fundraising and as the school usually has a number of projects to support each year, PALS decides what the money will be used for (in collaboration with the school). We generally do not specify that any events are specifically for one project because we are legally obliged to spend 100% of funds raised at that event on that specific project, but we will talk about the intent for the use of the money.

Over the last few years PALS has raised moneys for the long-term project to replace the playground equipment whilst also agreeing to provide continued support to Ladygrove Park School with Technology, Music, PE and class resources as mediumand short-term projects. To ensure all pupils would benefit whilst attending the school as the long-term funding progresses.

We work hard to keep everyone informed of all the goings ons through the PALS Facebook group. In here, we post the dates and times of forthcoming events, and we use the page a lot for shout-outs and reminders. Each class has a rep which we ask to share our activities within their own class groups.

PALS are always looking for volunteers no matter how small the contribution maybe, all the support we get is very much needed and appreciated.

We would like to thank the teachers and school staff who work so hard to support the PTA on top of everything else that they do. Some of our activities and events could not happen without you. I would also like to thank the rest of the committee, trustees, parent helpers and class reps, for your continued support.